Student Loan Counseling

We here at Pioneer Credit Counseling are excited about how we can help you with questions or concerns on your Student Loan Debt. Student Loan Debt in the United States as of 2014 exceeds $1.2 trillion. It also has been identified that Americans owe more in Student Loan Debt than they do on credit card debt.

It is forecasted that as the growing prices of college tuition continues, there will be even more students taking out Student Loans and they too will struggle with repaying these loans over much of their lives. We know, like any debt or loan, one missed payment will have a lasting negative impact on your ability to establish credit in the future. We want to help you understand the options available for your Student Loans and help you achieve your goals.


A couple of questions to ask yourself:

Is it difficult to make your Student Loan payments on time (or at all)?
Do you currently make several payments to multiple lenders?


Pioneer Credit Counseling is a nationwide non-profit credit counseling agency that is here to help you with your Student Loan questions and concerns.