Pre/Post Bankruptcy

Pre Bankruptcy Instructions

Information to get you started:

Confirm the Judicial District that you're filing your bankruptcy in with your attorney.Have your attorney contact information: Name, Address, Telephone and Fax numbers, email and Attorney Billing Code (if applicable). Information required for the session: Income documentation (monthly pay stub) Monthly living expenses Estimated assets All secured and unsecured debts (can use either the individual bills or your credit reports)

Smiling at table.


Online Completions
  1. New users click this link to Register for Pre Credit Counseling Education.
  2. Select New Registrations Click Here to Get Started Button. Select Credit Counseling
  3. If you have your Attorney Number select "Yes" and enter it in. If you don't have the attorney number select "No" and search for your attorney by name. If you are not using a legal advisor select "I'm Filing My Own Bankruptcy".
  4. a. Go through and fill out all of your personal information. b. Create Username and Password
  5. Make Your Payment. (Please Note: You have the option of paying for both courses at this time) Complete Purchase.
  6. Re-Enter your newly created password to log in and proceed to your course.
  7. Proceed through the entire course, using the information we asked you to gather in the above section (Allow 60-90 min.).
  8. Select Credit Counseling – Pre-Filing Course.
  9. After completing the evaluation the program will instruct you on the completion of your session.
  10. Once you meet the course requirements we will issue your Certificate.

Telephone Completions
  1. Gather the information listed above and call Pioneer Credit Counseling: at 1-866-210-3590.
  2. Make payment: We accept Debit Cards & Western Union. Cashier's Checks or Money Orders should be mailed to:

    Attn: Pioneer Credit Counseling, 3620 Homestead Street, Suite 1
    Rapid City, SD 57709

  3. We will go through the Credit Counseling session over the phone (allow for 30-90 minutes).
  4. Upon completion, we will issue your Certificate.

Same Day Certificate Distribution:

  1. You or your attorney will be able to access your Certificate of Counseling.
  2. Log back into your account using your username and password and click on Record Center.
  3. Print the Certificate of Counseling (as a courtesy we can also fax or email your certificate to your attorney upon request).
  4. Your attorney can also pull your certificate if they are registered for our attorney portal.